Mulch Comparison In Yards
We often receive questions about how much mulch should I order. Below are some common order quantities in yards to give you an idea about how big a pile of mulch is. Next to the pile of mulch is a standard six (6) cubic feet wheel barrel for size comparison. For example, you can fill this wheel barrel four and a half (4 1/2) times to move one (1) yard of mulch.
Below is what one (1) yard of mulch looks like.

Below is what two (2) yards of mulch looks like.

Below is what four (4) yards of mulch looks like.

Below is what six (6) yards of mulch looks like.

Below is what eight (8) yards of mulch looks like.

Below is an example of what our end loader bucket sizes are that we use to fill our trucks. On the left is our two (2) yard bucket and on the right is our one (1) yard bucket. Their respective mulch piles in yard sizes are in front of the buckets.